Saturday, October 11, 2008

Freewares These are generic freeware tools that picked up not related to electronics handicrafts. Most of tools are DOS based programs. Item Descript


These are generic freeware tools that picked up not related to electronics handicrafts. Most of tools are DOS based programs.

Multiple Boot Manager
MBM home page
Multiple Boot Manager (MBM) is a boot management program. MBM can boots most OSs from 2'nd drive, and it has partation table editor to create two or more primary DOS partitions. It also supports user creatable graphical menu.
Tiny Terminal
This is a console based terminal program and suitable for debugging console of embedded projects.
BBS script
This is a BBS script used in this site.
Universal HEX file converter
This is file utilities which is for converting binary file into Intel-Hex file or CSV file, CSV file into Intel-Hex file. These are suitable for building data table or any other purpose on embedded programing.
Save a cripboard image
Saving an image or a text captured to the clipboard to a file. It runs on the Windows9x and requires msvbvm50.dll and comdlg32.ocx.
Power reducer
Latest notebook PCs are disabled capable of power management on the real DOS envilonment. PRP is a supplement tool to fix their probrems.
It supports power reducer, battery gauge, quick power off, and auto LCD off.
ELM - Fire Demo
A 1K-Demo advertisement of the ELM. But it is not useful :-)
Simple GAL assembler
FGAL is a GAL assembler that supports GAL16V8, GAL20V8 and GAL22V10. Its format of source file is compatible to PALASM2.
Micro Small Telecommunications (MST) is a terminal program that written in fast ASM code and it has a macro execution task to assist user. It is useful to debugging.
Power OFF
Turn off PC power with a command.
Suspend and timered resume
Enter suspend mode and timered resume control.
Printer Driver
This is a printer dirver for ESC/P command set printers. It can hard-copy Japanese V-Text screen, and can print correctly graphic caracters included to English text.
Delete a B: drive
When phisical drive B: is not exist in the system, access to drive B: makes a message "Insert diskette for ...". When disable drive B: with the SWDRV, checks this message and occures DOS error #15.

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